
Make your family happy by planning House Design that is Healthy, Safe, Beautiful and Comfortable

Complete services in the ideation and design

of the total interior premises, supervision of the project implementation up to the total management of the works on the construction site.


© 2023  All rights are reserved to  AEB  /  Elis Baba

Architectural Design Services for Residential Buildings

 Villa Design

classic vila

Do you want a two-storey house to make the best use of the land area, or do you have the luxury of ample terrain and your villa has only creativity limit?


Are you sensitive to environmental problems and want an apartment that is as ecological as possible, why not 100% passive and autonomous?

What will be the most suitable system for heating-cooling the premises to provide you with the desired comfort?


What will be the construction technology, what thermal, acoustic and moisture insulation will they have?

The design process will enable these issues to get the best solution and be combined in harmony with your aesthetics and economic investment opportunities.


Eventually you will be provided with an implementation project that will give you the opportunity to start building your dream home.

Contemporary House

classic vila

Contemporary Classic Villa

classic vila

English inspiration House Design

Existing house modification or expansion project​


Is your home too big but not functional and comfortable?


You are not alone as most of the individual private apartments built after the 90s aimed at the surface, having as many square meters or rooms for the family without focusing on the other important aspect of the quality of life and the economic cost of maintaining the apartment.


Do you need to add new facilities to your apartment as one room and kitchen are not enough for your family?


Rooms can be added to an existing building on the same floor or an additional floor can be built when the structure allows.


Moving or remodeling the building is a delicate matter that requires technical analysis of the existing condition to proceed further with the design of the project that combines your requirements with the possibilities allowed by the facility or budget.


Residential in multi-story building

residential multistory

Are you a builder or owner looking to offer a residential block to make a difference in the market?


After the 2000s the multi-story housing market has shown an improvement in the quality of construction and less so in that of design.

After the earthquake of November 26, 2019, and the crisis "Koronavirus" and the Albanian market will become more demanding and attentive to the real value of the property where you will invest.


You do not have to spend too much paying for projects of foreign studios, we make available the Italian school and experience for the most suitable project for your market and needs.


1. Projekt  në fazën e projekt-idesë

  • Hartimi i detyrës së projektimit me punëdhënësin për projekt-idenë paraprake ,bazuar në kërkesat, analizën e vend ndodhjes, mundësitë teknike si dhe buxhetin e përafërt.

  • Zhvillimi i projekt-idesë  deri në përzjgjedhjen e asaj përfundimtare të aprovuar për të vazhduar.

  • Prezantim i  projektit me pamje 3 Dimensionale

  • Projekti arkitektonik i objektit: Planimetritë e kateve, pamjet, prerjet 

  • Gen plani i azhornimit topografik

  • Plan sistemimi i sheshit të ndërtimit

2. Projekt zbatimi

  • Planvendosje e strukturës 
  • ​Plani i piketimit të strukturës
  • Planimetritë me kuotat dhe mobilimet përkatëse
  • Pamjet / Fasadat teknike me kuota dhe dimensione
  • Prerjet teknike
  • Detaje të elementeve konstruktivë të strukturës 
  • Specifikimet teknike të materialeve dhe elementeve të vecantë
  • Sistemimet e jashtme, përcaktimi i sipërfaqeve dhe rrjetit rugor
  • Preventivi sipas zërave të punës
  • ​Imazhe 3D,  skica ose fotomontazhe dhe sipas marrëveshjes video animation